Privacy Policy

When using the Citocore website or other digital media, the user acknowledges and agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy and authorizes the collection and use of information, as outlined herein. 

All personal information pertaining to professionals, customers, or visitors accessing the website will be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Law. Failure to provide personal data may result in incomplete information about products, services, and/or inadequate service provision to your needs.


What information will be collected and for what purpose

Citocore may collect information actively provided by the user upon registration, such as full name, email, date of birth, phone number, address, CPF, facial biometric data, among others. Additionally, information may be automatically collected when using the website, such as IP address, viewed web pages, etc.

This information will be used to fulfill obligations arising from Citocore’s various business activities, including establishing commercial relationships, informing about products, trends, news, etc.

Data Storage

Your information is securely stored, with measures in place to protect against unauthorized access, loss, alteration, theft, or any improper or unlawful treatment.

Rights of the data subject

Data subjects have rights such as confirmation of processing, access to data, correction of incomplete or inaccurate data, deletion of unnecessary data, among others.

Revocation of consent

Consent for data usage can be revoked at any time, but it does not invalidate prior lawful processing.


Cookies are used to collect standard internet registration and visitor behavior information, improving the user experience and understanding browsing patterns.

Policy Update

This Policy is subject to change and was last updated on September 28, 2020.